You Are Invited to the Law of Attraction Ho'oponopono Style Facebook Page ~
This page is Divinely Inspired & "Cleans" your energy as you view it. It combines both the Law of Attraction & Ho'oponopono understandings ~ May this page be a source of inspiration for you!
When Combing the understanding of the Law of Attraction & Ho'oponopono...
We are willing to take 100% responsibility for our life & all that is created in it.
Then, by visualizing, intending & experiencing goals, desires, financial success, etc. that you wish to manifest "as if" they have already happened we put our intentional creation process into play...
We can then let go of whatever it is you wish to manifest through Ho'oponopono by using cleaning tools, such as saying "I love you & Thank You" after what it is that you are intending, which allows you to be free of any expectations!
Ultimately ensuring that what is right and perfect for you unfolds ♥ ~
The Law of Attraction simply put is "Like Attracts Like"
Ho'oponopono simply put is "When we are willing to take 100% responsibility and let go, what is right and perfect unfolds."
This page combines both of these understandings ~
We wish you PEACE beyond all understanding.